Johns Weather
Updated: Thursday, July 25, 2024  @  5:10:38 PM  
Detector Status:
A nearby thundershower has been detected!
Strike Colour Key:
  <5 sec     <1 min  
  <6 min     <15 min 
  <30 min     <60 min  
Lightning Map
Lightning Map Offline!
Storm Analytical Key:
Storm Cells:
No Storms Detected
Flash Rate: 4/min
Stroke Rate: 5/min
Noise Rate: 1/min
Flashes in last 60 min Strokes in last 60 min Current Information
Total Flashes: 149
+CG Flashes: 31
-CG Flashes: 35
+IC Flashes: 28
-IC Flashes: 55
Strong Flashes: 2
Total Strokes: 366
+CG Strokes: 47
-CG Strokes: 67
+IC Strokes: 95
-IC Strokes: 156
Ratio of Strokes per Flash: 1.73
Current Storms: 1
Num of Red Alerts: 1
Num of Yellow Alerts: 1
Flash Trend: 1000000%
Stroke Trend: 1000000%
Detection Trend: 1000000%
Daily Records
All Flashes: 541
All Strokes: 985
+ve CG Flashes: 124
-ve CG Flashes: 134
+ve IC Flashes: 98
-ve IC Flashes: 184
+ve CG Strokes: 152
-ve CG Strokes: 191
+ve IC Strokes: 230
-ve IC Strokes: 368
Daily Record Rates
Peak Flash Rate: 16/min @ 3:46:55 PM
Peak Strong Flash Rate: 1/min @ 4:07:14 PM
Peak Stroke Rate: 48/min @ 4:17:01 PM
Peak Noise Rate: 47/min @ 4:25:37 PM
All Time Records
Record Flash Count: 346/min @ 4:55:01 PM on Friday, September 8, 2023
Record Noise Count: 12409/min @ 3:46:24 PM on Friday, September 8, 2023
Record Stroke Count: 1565/min @ 5:36:14 AM on Thursday, July 18, 2024
U.S Lightning Forecast:
Lightning Forecast
Lightning forecast map courtesy of the NWS
Disclaimer: Do NOT ever base important decisions on this data
L2K Display script courtesy of Matangi Weather
Charts by Highcharts