Lightning Map Information

Storm Key:
Colour: Type:
Weak Thundershower Weak Thundershower
General Thundershower General Thundershower
Moderate Thundershower Moderate Thundershower
Thundershower Enhanced Thundershower
General Thundershower General Thunderstorm
Slightly Enhanced Thunderstorm Slightly Enhanced Thunderstorm
Enhanced Thunderstorm Enhanced Thunderstorm
Strong Thunderstorm Strong Thunderstorm
Enhanced Strong Thunderstorm Enhanced Strong Thunderstorm
Severe Thunderstorm Severe Thunderstorm
Enhanced Severe Thunderstorm Enhanced Severe Thunderstorm
Flash vs Stroke
Each stroke represents a single detection from the lightning detection hardware. But lightning actually occurs as flashes. Each flash is what we think of when we see a bolt of lightning.
Storm Analysis
Below is some examples of what storms will be identified as:

Storm Colour filled in/not filled in

When a storm has been filled in with colour, it means there is a preponderance of +ve
strokes, this means the storm has the potential to become more severe.

Lightning is very likely in area inside of the marked storm.

Storm Colour filled in/not filled in

When close flashes are detected and are more grouped together the storm detected will be in a round shape.
This means that lightning is extremely likely in the immediate area.
Also if the Lightning Map appears to have a Yellow border, it signifies there is Yellow Alert in place.
If the border is Red then it signifies there is a Red Alert in place.

Red Alerts occur when the stroke count exceeds 250 or when a storm moves inside the Red range ring.

When this happens a storm is occurring nearby.

This poses a very High risk of lightning occurring in the area.
If you are inside the red range ring and a red alert has been issued with a storm inside the ring:

1. Disconnect all electrical appliances.

2 .DO NOT take a shower or bath!

3. Move inside immediately if outside.

4. End any active phone calls.

The above instructions will help minimize the risk of getting struck.

Yellow Alerts occur when a storm is occurring in your region or is breaching 150 strokes.

If a Yellow Alert has been issued and you live inside the red or yellow range ring:

Keep an eye on the storm and periodically check where its heading.

If you start to notice the storm is getting closer and has a colour representing stronger thunderstorms:

It is recommended that you:

1. Clear and check your Gutters

2. Secure any loose objects outside.

3. Move any car residing outside into shelter.

4. Check local Doppler Radar and your local Meteorological Organization/Department.

5. If in the U.S turn on your NOAA Radio.