
Weather Station Equipment
This is the Davis Vantage Pro Plus Weather Station mounted on a 4x4 post.
It has the UV and Solar sensors. Fan aspirated radiation Shield and
heater for the rain bucket.
The small gray enclosure on the side of the mounting post contains
the batteries for the Fan aspirated Radiation Shield.  I decided to
put the batteries in a separate enclosure which makes it much easier to
replace them when needed. Otherwise you have to remove the Fan
aspirated shield to do it.....not a real easy task.
The PVC pipe rising above the station contains the Antenna for the
Boltek Lightning Detector System.
Davis Vantage Pro Plus

The anemometer is mounted on a two piece antenna mast approximately
12 feet above the roof. The Davis Wireless Anemometer kit is also mounted
to the mast.  Reception to the main console is very good.
Below are the computers running all the software for the Weather Monitoring Equipment.